Ready for Regatta 2014!
‘Tis the season! Race season, that is. Sailboat racing, to be exact. Bahamian sloop sailboats, to be really precise.
And we are ready!
Despite how busy it’s been, nothing takes priority over Regatta! Numerous sailing regattas take place throughout the Bahamas and around the world. However, in our area, “Regatta” in the shorthand means only one thing: the national championship race, the National Family Island Regatta, held every April in George Town, Exuma, Bahamas.
For newcomers to this blog, or as a refresher, click here for a Regatta Primer and pictures. (For… Continue reading
Brotherly Love & Island Fun
Last month, my brother, Darin, came for a visit and stayed with us for two weeks. What a lovely time!
Darin had not been to the island for several years – far too long. Like many of us, he let Life get in the way, and – before he knew it – years had slipped by. But, oh how sweet to be reminded how much he loves his island home! Because he, too, grew up knowing and loving this special place.
Of course, the first thing that struck him as he flew above the Exuma… Continue reading
Regatta Recap
Well, dear readers, my apologies for such a delay in posting. I returned from Regatta and promptly took ill – too much hugging and lots of people around in that busy week, I suppose! It’s still got its clutches in me a bit, but I’m feeling mostly fine and going about business as usual.
I’ve also delayed because I just didn’t know what or how to write about this particular race series.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .It certainly was the epoch of incredulity!
I won’t attempt to… Continue reading
Regatta Prep: Launching the Sailboat!
(Roundup of background info here for those of you who may have missed it.)
Our local community sends two A-class sailboats to the race every year, both of them national champions several times over. The boats are already moored securely in George Town, where the Regatta will take place. Meanwhile, however, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into some of the preparation that goes into getting these boats ready.
Boat Building and RepairI think these traditional Bahamian sloops are so beautiful – for their clean lines and sail-filled grace, as… Continue reading
Behold the Islands of the Bahamas – by Mail Boat
Lately, the Bahamas has been making the news (in good ways)!
Behold The Islands of the BahamasDid you notice the oh-so-pricey, but very well done, advertisement that the Bahamas’ Ministry of Tourism aired during the Super Bowl? Beau and I were watching the game (and commercials!) at a local bar. As one particular ad began, we were struck by the beautiful waters being shown. We each thought the same thing, “That looks like the Bahamas.”
As the footage rolled, he recognized the islands depicted. When the commercial concluded, “Behold the Islands of the Bahamas” and the logo for… Continue reading
Welcome to your February and your weekend, Better Lifers.
Soon, the day will kick in fiercely. But, for the moment, I am quiet and contemplative.
I am enjoying . . .Peace of simple things.
Contentment through gratitude.
Happiness in appreciating beauty.
Rejuvenation in the quiet.
Nature Says It Best . . .Like last evening’s sunset, as viewed from my back deck.
Simplicity of the sun slowly dropping into the water through palm fronds.
Sheer beauty. Sheer bliss.
Simplicity in an awesome ball of fire descending into the sea.
Or this morning’s sunrise.As I gazed west over… Continue reading
What?! Seasick?!
I am 41 years old, and I have never been seasick. Ever.
Until Saturday . . .
A Beautiful MorningSaturday dawned into a beautiful morning. Beau and I had several projects to take care of – a typical Saturday morning – but we both commented on what a pretty day it was. A good day for fishing. Perhaps later in the day after we finished a few things.
As Beau started to walk out the door to tackle his first project, he hesitated, “Maybe we should go fishing first.”
Indeed, fishing is best early in the morning. So, off… Continue reading
Dawn of a New Day
Good morning, Better Lifers! What a glorious day. I hope you take a moment from your busy Saturdays to simply breathe, look around you, and smile.
I’ve been rather contemplative lately. I just feel so FULL of Life, in a quiet, contented way. I think perhaps my senses are becoming more finely tuned to the little things in each day that bring me peace and happiness. Combined, they can outweigh the moments of the blechy stuff – the chaos and frustrations of everyday life.
Anyway, in this spirit of contented contemplation, I awoke this… Continue reading
Stepping on a Sea Urchin
Last week, I blogged about Angel’s medical emergency, but I’m overdue to fill you in on mine . . .
As regular readers may recall, the end of July was a fun, but particularly hectic, time for me. During a brief lull one Sunday, Beau went out diving (free-diving and spear-fishing) for the day, and I decided to treat myself, too.
French Toast
I slept in a little – anything past 6:30am is a luxury! When I woke up, I was craving French Toast, but I didn’t have any bread in the house. I used that… Continue reading
Snorkeling in the Aquarium (with Video!)
Over the weekend, Beau and I took advantage of the beautiful summer day and headed out for a day of play on the water. We enjoyed a long boat ride up the chain of islands, exploring along the way and cooling off in the sea.
(For a bird’s eye view of the chain of islands, and the spectacular shades of blue and aqua that we were cruising through in our boat, check out this older post with lots of aerial photos.)
During our exploration, one spot was rife with sea turtles, sharks and other sea creatures, so we got… Continue reading
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