Introducing Kitty Cat
Attention, Please!
I introduce to you . . .Drum Roll, Please!
Our newest Family Member . . .Kitty!
Kitty Cat!I never thought of myself as a cat person. Ever.
I found them aloof and disdainful. Of course, I care about all animals, but cats were not for me. Errrr, or so I thought.
Wild CatsOur little cay is home to a number of wild cats. Thankfully, it is not crazily over-populated as in years past. But there are some who roam around, living in the bush, stealing from… Continue reading
Swimming Pigs (and video!)
” . . . when pigs fly!” How ’bout when pigs swim?!
Yes, it’s true. Pigs swim. At least, island pigs swim!
I’ve posted about this before as part of an evening boat excursion, but it’s just too fun a topic not to revisit. Besides, the pigs really warrant their own post!
So, the scoop . . .
On a nearby (uninhabited) island, a handful of large, wild pigs are the dominant residents. Some twenty years ago, a couple of the local guys brought in two pigs and placed them on that island to breed and… Continue reading
Snorkeling in the Aquarium (with Video!)
Over the weekend, Beau and I took advantage of the beautiful summer day and headed out for a day of play on the water. We enjoyed a long boat ride up the chain of islands, exploring along the way and cooling off in the sea.
(For a bird’s eye view of the chain of islands, and the spectacular shades of blue and aqua that we were cruising through in our boat, check out this older post with lots of aerial photos.)
During our exploration, one spot was rife with sea turtles, sharks and other sea creatures, so we got… Continue reading
Return from Regatta & Sailing Video
Hellooooooo, Better Lifers! I’ve missed you!
Regatta was wonderful, and I’ll fill you in soon. Weather was pretty tricky – the same front that saturated Florida also doused the Bahamas. Thankfully, Mother Nature granted enough of a respite that the boats were able to race, but then she kicked in again and delayed our return by several days. Upon my return, I was greeted with a flooded downstairs in my own home. Thankfully, my visiting mother had stanched the tide. I helped with the cleanup and enjoyed the remaining days of her visit.
It’s also been hectic around here as… Continue reading
Angel with Coconut (Video)
Dear Readers, I thought you might enjoy a little snippet of my Island Dog in action. Angel looooooooves to chase and chew coconuts. These particular clips were not actually filmed in the islands; you’ll see Angel and me in a Florida backyard when we visited family recently. The first video clip (17 seconds) is a little better quality, but the second one (27 seconds) amuses me because you can really hear how Angel squeaks and squeals in her excitement while chewing. My vocal little dog. Enjoy!
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