Introducing Kitty Cat
Attention, Please!
I introduce to you . . .Drum Roll, Please!
Our newest Family Member . . .Kitty!
Kitty Cat!I never thought of myself as a cat person. Ever.
I found them aloof and disdainful. Of course, I care about all animals, but cats were not for me. Errrr, or so I thought.
Wild CatsOur little cay is home to a number of wild cats. Thankfully, it is not crazily over-populated as in years past. But there are some who roam around, living in the bush, stealing from… Continue reading
Brotherly Love & Island Fun
Last month, my brother, Darin, came for a visit and stayed with us for two weeks. What a lovely time!
Darin had not been to the island for several years – far too long. Like many of us, he let Life get in the way, and – before he knew it – years had slipped by. But, oh how sweet to be reminded how much he loves his island home! Because he, too, grew up knowing and loving this special place.
Of course, the first thing that struck him as he flew above the Exuma… Continue reading
Swimming Pigs (and video!)
” . . . when pigs fly!” How ’bout when pigs swim?!
Yes, it’s true. Pigs swim. At least, island pigs swim!
I’ve posted about this before as part of an evening boat excursion, but it’s just too fun a topic not to revisit. Besides, the pigs really warrant their own post!
So, the scoop . . .
On a nearby (uninhabited) island, a handful of large, wild pigs are the dominant residents. Some twenty years ago, a couple of the local guys brought in two pigs and placed them on that island to breed and… Continue reading
Stepping on a Sea Urchin
Last week, I blogged about Angel’s medical emergency, but I’m overdue to fill you in on mine . . .
As regular readers may recall, the end of July was a fun, but particularly hectic, time for me. During a brief lull one Sunday, Beau went out diving (free-diving and spear-fishing) for the day, and I decided to treat myself, too.
French Toast
I slept in a little – anything past 6:30am is a luxury! When I woke up, I was craving French Toast, but I didn’t have any bread in the house. I used that… Continue reading
What’s Up?
My dearest Better Lifers, I have missed you!
Since launching this blog four months ago (is that all? It feels like we’ve been together longer than that!), this is the longest I’ve been away from you. It has been exceptionally busy lately – even for “island busy!” Some of the reasons why will warrant individual blog posts in the future, but, in a nutshell, here’s what I’ve been up to:
Beau’s dog, Milo, injured himself somehow and has been limping. To keep him from running and wrestling with the other island dogs, we’ve been keeping him contained in the house… Continue readingSnorkeling in the Aquarium (with Video!)
Over the weekend, Beau and I took advantage of the beautiful summer day and headed out for a day of play on the water. We enjoyed a long boat ride up the chain of islands, exploring along the way and cooling off in the sea.
(For a bird’s eye view of the chain of islands, and the spectacular shades of blue and aqua that we were cruising through in our boat, check out this older post with lots of aerial photos.)
During our exploration, one spot was rife with sea turtles, sharks and other sea creatures, so we got… Continue reading
Visit to Long Island, Bahamas
A few months ago, my beau and I took a trip with friends to Long Island, Bahamas.
Although my beau had been numerous times, and our friends were from there, this visit was a first for me. Long Island is aptly named – the island is approximately 80 miles in length and only 4 miles at its widest point. Long Island is south of the islands of the Exumas, where I live (and it’s split by the Tropic of Cancer!), but it is only a short ride in a small plane.
Our friend – with her cat and… Continue reading
Hunting Crabs
A few months ago, my beau and I spent some time on Long Island, Bahamas. One of the highlights of the trip turned out to be my first experience hunting land crabs! Or hunting any crabs, for that matter.
This was an unexpected treat. It just so happened that, while we there, conditions were right and THOUSANDS of land crabs emerged. It had been raining a lot, but that afternoon, the sun came out and so did the crabs. And I mean, literally, THOUSANDS. We were driving down the road and just began to see crabs coming out… Continue reading
Things I Could Do All Day Long
This blog post was prompted by two things I was doing the other day when I happened to think about each of them, “I could do this all day long and never tire of it.” So I set pen to paper (err, fingers to keyboard) and started to write about it. What were those two things that were so special as to inspire a blog post? Well, let me set the scene for you . . .
It was an early evening on the island. The sun was performing a beautiful slow dance toward the horizon, and the sea sparkled… Continue reading
Hunting Large Sea Snails
Recently, I wrote about an evening boat excursion, which included hunting large sea snails. I promised a fuller description of what that entails, so here you go!
By way of background, I was never a huge fan of escargot (snails) when I would occasionally encounter them at a fancy restaurant in my former life in the States. (However, if you saturate anything in butter and garlic, I’m likely to find it tasty!) So, when an island local offered me bites of an even bigger Bahamian variety a while back, I was even less keen. However, in the spirit of… Continue reading
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