
Hellooooooooo, Better Lifers!  It’s been a minute. 

Rather than spew excuses or attempt to condense – gasp – SIX YEARS of Life into this post, please allow me to simply say… hello…I hope you are well…I’ve missed writing with you…

Our world is so upside down right now.  I take a moment to pause and simply be.  Carve out the clutter, nudge out the noise, postpone the pandemonium.  Simplicity.

A pretty flower . . .

Child’s laughter ringing out . . .

Soft snores from a snoozing pooch . . .

Warm sunshine soothing the soul . . .

A rainbow . . .

Cottony clouds in a cerulean sky . . .

Cool seawater on hot skin . . .

A tasty meal that prompts you to smack your lips with pleasure . . .

Birds chirping, seagulls squawking . . .

A loving embrace (from someone in your “bubble”!) . . .

A glorious sunset . . .

Putting pen to paper and fingers to keyboard at long last. . .

Find your own simple pleasures, and have a beautiful weekend!  Be safe, be well.

2 Responses to Simplicity

  • Bev says:

    Wow! Love the photos! Thank you! Wonderful to hear from you. Where have you been???

    • Dawn says:

      Thanks for the comment! I’ve been right here, mostly. But Life got busy with other priorities and writing moved lower on the list. Been feeling the nudges to move it higher on the list, so … here I am! 😉
