Introducing Kitty Cat
Attention, Please!
I introduce to you . . .Drum Roll, Please!
Our newest Family Member . . .Kitty!
Kitty Cat!I never thought of myself as a cat person. Ever.
I found them aloof and disdainful. Of course, I care about all animals, but cats were not for me. Errrr, or so I thought.
Wild CatsOur little cay is home to a number of wild cats. Thankfully, it is not crazily over-populated as in years past. But there are some who roam around, living in the bush, stealing from… Continue reading
Brotherly Love & Island Fun
Last month, my brother, Darin, came for a visit and stayed with us for two weeks. What a lovely time!
Darin had not been to the island for several years – far too long. Like many of us, he let Life get in the way, and – before he knew it – years had slipped by. But, oh how sweet to be reminded how much he loves his island home! Because he, too, grew up knowing and loving this special place.
Of course, the first thing that struck him as he flew above the Exuma… Continue reading
Angel Antics
My beloved dog, Angel, frequently takes center stage – even boasting an entire Page about her on this blog.
Lately, however, I don’t feel like I’ve written about Angel as much as I used to. Perhaps that’s a good thing; maybe it means my world is expanding and she is not the primary focus of each day. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, though. Her little presence is so chock-full of personality and energy that she still commands a great deal of attention on a daily basis.
Today, I thought I’d give you a little round-up of what’s been going on… Continue reading
Dawn of a New Day
Good morning, Better Lifers! What a glorious day. I hope you take a moment from your busy Saturdays to simply breathe, look around you, and smile.
I’ve been rather contemplative lately. I just feel so FULL of Life, in a quiet, contented way. I think perhaps my senses are becoming more finely tuned to the little things in each day that bring me peace and happiness. Combined, they can outweigh the moments of the blechy stuff – the chaos and frustrations of everyday life.
Anyway, in this spirit of contented contemplation, I awoke this… Continue reading
Fragments of a Thursday: Golf Carts, Dogs and Aloe
G’day, Better Lifers! I’m having a delightful Thursday and thought I’d share some of it with you. This isn’t a comprehensive view of the day, but is a glimpse into some of the little snippets that are blending together to bring me joy today.
First of all, this post is a labor of love because my rapid typing skills are on a major slow-down today. I cut my index finger, and it remains sore on the typing tip. BUT, what led to the cut is most excellent – I was cleaning Beau’s new golf cart!… Continue reading
A Mother’s Love (or, How to Not Kill Your Dog)
Oh Boy. What a week. Why did I disappear again, just after I’d told you I was excited to be writing again? Well, I was busy keeping my dog alive . . .
After a whirlwind of travel last month, followed by a friendly visit from Tropical Storm Isaac, I was finally enjoying getting settled in to our island routine again. This is a particularly quiet time of year on the island – turns out hurricane season is not a draw for the tourists – and I was enjoying the slow summer pace. After… Continue reading
What’s Up?
My dearest Better Lifers, I have missed you!
Since launching this blog four months ago (is that all? It feels like we’ve been together longer than that!), this is the longest I’ve been away from you. It has been exceptionally busy lately – even for “island busy!” Some of the reasons why will warrant individual blog posts in the future, but, in a nutshell, here’s what I’ve been up to:
Beau’s dog, Milo, injured himself somehow and has been limping. To keep him from running and wrestling with the other island dogs, we’ve been keeping him contained in the house… Continue readingThings I Could Do All Day Long
This blog post was prompted by two things I was doing the other day when I happened to think about each of them, “I could do this all day long and never tire of it.” So I set pen to paper (err, fingers to keyboard) and started to write about it. What were those two things that were so special as to inspire a blog post? Well, let me set the scene for you . . .
It was an early evening on the island. The sun was performing a beautiful slow dance toward the horizon, and the sea sparkled… Continue reading
Evening Boat Excursion
One evening last week, we took the boat out for a couple hours. With daylight savings, our evenings are longer now and conducive to such weekday adventures!
This particular boat excursion was in a 17 foot Boston Whaler, the boat in which I’m being taught to actually DRIVE (and dock and anchor and tie up, etc.) rather than to simply enjoy going along for the ride. But I begged off taking the wheel first since I wanted to snap some blog photos for you!
Off we went. We pulled away from the private dock and waved good-bye to Milo, one… Continue reading
Angel with Coconut (Video)
Dear Readers, I thought you might enjoy a little snippet of my Island Dog in action. Angel looooooooves to chase and chew coconuts. These particular clips were not actually filmed in the islands; you’ll see Angel and me in a Florida backyard when we visited family recently. The first video clip (17 seconds) is a little better quality, but the second one (27 seconds) amuses me because you can really hear how Angel squeaks and squeals in her excitement while chewing. My vocal little dog. Enjoy!
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