Missed My Own Birthday!
Dearest Better Lifers, hellooooooooooo! I know I’ve been remiss about writing for quite some time. But, it makes for pretty significant neglect when . . .
I missed my own Blog birthday!February 23, 2014 marked 3 years since I returned to the island, and two years since this Better Life blog was born. And I missed it. Yup.
Last year, I celebrated with an Anniversary Roundup, followed by a giant Thank You, a reflection on how the blog came to be, and more – all in my anniversary/birthday week. This… Continue reading
Brotherly Love & Island Fun
Last month, my brother, Darin, came for a visit and stayed with us for two weeks. What a lovely time!
Darin had not been to the island for several years – far too long. Like many of us, he let Life get in the way, and – before he knew it – years had slipped by. But, oh how sweet to be reminded how much he loves his island home! Because he, too, grew up knowing and loving this special place.
Of course, the first thing that struck him as he flew above the Exuma… Continue reading
Priorities & Slow Season Sunsets
In the last four months, I have published a paltry four blog posts. Sigh.
Since the flurry of Regatta season, I have been dashing from one thing to the next, with a great deal of travel as well. I touched on some of this in an earlier blog post, and I am delighted to report that all health issues are seemingly resolved, and my family and I are in great health and spirits.
Where Am I Now?I am also delighted to report that I am happily home on the island and enjoying… Continue reading
Sunsets and New Beginnings
As with most Mondays, mine kicked off yesterday with a flurry of activity . . .
getting ready for our upcoming blog anniversary (woot! woot!), catching up on email and social media stuff from my mostly-unplugged weekend, composing a long overdue response email to one of my besties, working on a few writing projects, paying bills online and checking accounts, updating Quicken, running external backup to my hard drive, laundry, cooking, house-straightening, dog haircut and tick check, computer assists to Beau for his business, airport run to pick up documents arriving from Nassau, delivery of said… Continue readingI’m A Real Blonde
I’m a real blonde. (I declare this proudly, as though it actually matters.)
And yet, we can all use a little help…
Background of a BlondeBorn blonde, I grew up in a southern state where we frequently went boating on the weekends and to the ocean for local vacations. It was also an era when kids played outdoors for hours on end. My blonde hair soaked up the sun (and the freckles began their lifelong spread.)
1981, age 10, Yours Truly as a young blonde (with a coal-black puppy, the dog that I loved for 18 years before Angel.)… Continue reading
Welcome to your February and your weekend, Better Lifers.
Soon, the day will kick in fiercely. But, for the moment, I am quiet and contemplative.
I am enjoying . . .Peace of simple things.
Contentment through gratitude.
Happiness in appreciating beauty.
Rejuvenation in the quiet.
Nature Says It Best . . .Like last evening’s sunset, as viewed from my back deck.
Simplicity of the sun slowly dropping into the water through palm fronds.
Sheer beauty. Sheer bliss.
Simplicity in an awesome ball of fire descending into the sea.
Or this morning’s sunrise.As I gazed west over… Continue reading
As we rolled into the new year, plenty of people were blogging and Facebooking and Tweeting about reflections on 2012 and bright ideas for 2013. As you know from my new year’s video greeting, I didn’t spend much reflective time during the hectic holiday season. Since then, however, I’ve tried to give such contemplation its due.
New Year’s ResolutionsLike many of you, I suspect, it’s been years since I actually made a formal new year’s resolution. I found myself making the same ones year after year with only halfhearted follow-through. Or the resolutions I made were… Continue reading
Angel Antics
My beloved dog, Angel, frequently takes center stage – even boasting an entire Page about her on this blog.
Lately, however, I don’t feel like I’ve written about Angel as much as I used to. Perhaps that’s a good thing; maybe it means my world is expanding and she is not the primary focus of each day. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, though. Her little presence is so chock-full of personality and energy that she still commands a great deal of attention on a daily basis.
Today, I thought I’d give you a little round-up of what’s been going on… Continue reading
Bush Medicine
Hello, Better Lifers! It has been a series of beautiful days in the Bahamas. For example, yesterday looked like this all day . . .
It just doesn’t get any prettier than this!
Today is overcast and squally, but it is still beautiful to me! I’m also enthusiastic about the day because I am feeling much better. Thank you for all of your well wishes. After my last post, I really forced myself to slow down and take it easy.
Sarah, my good friend and neighbor, heard I was back down with a little… Continue reading
Fragments of a Thursday: Golf Carts, Dogs and Aloe
G’day, Better Lifers! I’m having a delightful Thursday and thought I’d share some of it with you. This isn’t a comprehensive view of the day, but is a glimpse into some of the little snippets that are blending together to bring me joy today.
First of all, this post is a labor of love because my rapid typing skills are on a major slow-down today. I cut my index finger, and it remains sore on the typing tip. BUT, what led to the cut is most excellent – I was cleaning Beau’s new golf cart!… Continue reading
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