Weekend Getaway – Bahamas!
Welcome (almost) to your weekend, Better Lifers!
I will soon unplug and take off for a little island-hopping this weekend. Meanwhile, I leave you with a treat for your own weekend getaway, even if it’s just in your imagination for the time being . . .
From Paris to the BahamasMy blogging pal, Jacki, a.k.a. Momma Expat, is an American living in Paris who blogs at HJ Underway. On occasional Fridays, Jacki runs a Weekend Getaway series that highlights different locales through pictures and a brief narrative.
I’m delighted to report that she asked me to… Continue reading
Behold the Islands of the Bahamas – by Mail Boat
Lately, the Bahamas has been making the news (in good ways)!
Behold The Islands of the BahamasDid you notice the oh-so-pricey, but very well done, advertisement that the Bahamas’ Ministry of Tourism aired during the Super Bowl? Beau and I were watching the game (and commercials!) at a local bar. As one particular ad began, we were struck by the beautiful waters being shown. We each thought the same thing, “That looks like the Bahamas.”
As the footage rolled, he recognized the islands depicted. When the commercial concluded, “Behold the Islands of the Bahamas” and the logo for… Continue reading
The Wild, Wild West (Jackson Hole & Yellowstone)
As I’ve commented before, the Better Life can be enjoyed regardless of the setting. And this island girl travels! Most recently, Beau and I enjoyed a journey into the Wild, Wild West – an area of the United States that neither of us had previously explored. In short, it was fantastic!
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
This area still feels like the frontier as it’s a looooong way from the Bahamas, but it was entirely worth the trip!
After arriving by plane last week, stepping into the chilly mountain evening and eating a late dinner by the hotel, we… Continue reading
A Mother’s Love (or, How to Not Kill Your Dog)
Oh Boy. What a week. Why did I disappear again, just after I’d told you I was excited to be writing again? Well, I was busy keeping my dog alive . . .
After a whirlwind of travel last month, followed by a friendly visit from Tropical Storm Isaac, I was finally enjoying getting settled in to our island routine again. This is a particularly quiet time of year on the island – turns out hurricane season is not a draw for the tourists – and I was enjoying the slow summer pace. After… Continue reading
Three Weeks of Travel (and a friend’s 40th birthday!)
FINALLY! I’m back! What a whirlwind it’s been these last few weeks . . .
After a flurry of activity on the island, Beau and I were ready for a relaxing getaway to the Florida Keys. However, the day before we were to leave, my mother reported that my grandmother had just been taken by ambulance to the hospital. Yikes! I put my packing into overdrive, snagged the last seat on the afternoon plane, grabbed Angel and left my island home for three weeks! Thankfully, Grandma lives near Mom in South Florida, which is where Beau and I were… Continue reading
Visit to Long Island, Bahamas
A few months ago, my beau and I took a trip with friends to Long Island, Bahamas.
Although my beau had been numerous times, and our friends were from there, this visit was a first for me. Long Island is aptly named – the island is approximately 80 miles in length and only 4 miles at its widest point. Long Island is south of the islands of the Exumas, where I live (and it’s split by the Tropic of Cancer!), but it is only a short ride in a small plane.
Our friend – with her cat and… Continue reading
California Dreamin’
Hello, Better Lifers! Well, I’ve been globe-trotting again. This time, it was out to southern California for a bit of a vacation. The 3,000 mile flight from Miami to Los Angeles is the longest flight to date for my Beau, and I’m pleased to announce it went well on both the outbound and the return. Each trip, we seem to stretch further, and I’m interested to see if he’s up for an overseas jaunt at some point. I keep telling him, “it’s just another movie!” in terms of additional flight time.
But I digress. We had a wonderful trip and… Continue reading
If Once You Have Slept On An Island
Oh, my long lost Better Lifers! After my last post, I dashed to the States to take care of some matters that had sprung up (all is well). Like most Stateside visits, it was a whirlwind week with LOTS of driving and City traffic that I happily forget about most other days. Like other visits, it also had its upsides, most notably a too-short visit with my visiting Uncle and Aunt, recently-moved-to-the-area grandparents, mom and brother. And, of course, the gorgeous aerial views on the return flight home to the island. It was also a week of staying largely… Continue reading
Regatta Photo Tour
My Dearest Better Lifers, thanks for your patience as I get caught up after a whirlwind regatta!
As you know, I’ve had Regatta Fever and have been posting Champion Sailboat Journals, Sailing Videos Clips and more. Finally, I have sifted through more than 600 personal photographs of the race week to cull them to a far-more-manageable 59 to share with you. These pics capture the essence of an incredible week. Of course, NOTHING can convey the excitement, adrenaline, pride and sheer pleasure of being there, but I hope to give you a taste.
Just one picture of many you’ll… Continue reading
Regatta Farewell
Dearest Readers, consider this my TEMPORARY farewell. Regatta fever continues. Now my adrenalin is really racing as we are about to set sail! Literally. We are leaving on a friend’s sailboat and leisurely headed down to the Regatta. (My family is visiting and taking care of the house and Angel, and I’ll be delighted to spend more time together upon my return.)
I won’t bother taking my computer with me, and I don’t have any mobile gadgets other than a very basic cell phone. Upon leaving the States, I gave up the old Blackberry! While Bahamians also have all… Continue reading
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