Ready for Regatta 2014!
‘Tis the season! Race season, that is. Sailboat racing, to be exact. Bahamian sloop sailboats, to be really precise.
And we are ready!
Despite how busy it’s been, nothing takes priority over Regatta! Numerous sailing regattas take place throughout the Bahamas and around the world. However, in our area, “Regatta” in the shorthand means only one thing: the national championship race, the National Family Island Regatta, held every April in George Town, Exuma, Bahamas.
For newcomers to this blog, or as a refresher, click here for a Regatta Primer and pictures. (For… Continue reading
Regatta Recap
Well, dear readers, my apologies for such a delay in posting. I returned from Regatta and promptly took ill – too much hugging and lots of people around in that busy week, I suppose! It’s still got its clutches in me a bit, but I’m feeling mostly fine and going about business as usual.
I’ve also delayed because I just didn’t know what or how to write about this particular race series.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .It certainly was the epoch of incredulity!
I won’t attempt to… Continue reading
Regatta Photo Tour
My Dearest Better Lifers, thanks for your patience as I get caught up after a whirlwind regatta!
As you know, I’ve had Regatta Fever and have been posting Champion Sailboat Journals, Sailing Videos Clips and more. Finally, I have sifted through more than 600 personal photographs of the race week to cull them to a far-more-manageable 59 to share with you. These pics capture the essence of an incredible week. Of course, NOTHING can convey the excitement, adrenaline, pride and sheer pleasure of being there, but I hope to give you a taste.
Just one picture of many you’ll… Continue reading
Return from Regatta & Sailing Video
Hellooooooo, Better Lifers! I’ve missed you!
Regatta was wonderful, and I’ll fill you in soon. Weather was pretty tricky – the same front that saturated Florida also doused the Bahamas. Thankfully, Mother Nature granted enough of a respite that the boats were able to race, but then she kicked in again and delayed our return by several days. Upon my return, I was greeted with a flooded downstairs in my own home. Thankfully, my visiting mother had stanched the tide. I helped with the cleanup and enjoyed the remaining days of her visit.
It’s also been hectic around here as… Continue reading
Regatta Primer
I HAVE REGATTA FEVER! And you’re going to be hearing about it, so I should give you the background scoop now . . .
All over the world, of course, regattas – or sailboat races – take place. Even within the Bahamas, various regattas occur during the year. However, in this context, “Regatta” is shorthand for the one-and-only, like-no-other, national sailing championship of the Bahamas that occurs in George Town every April and is more formerly known as the National Family Island Regatta.
Like any sport with a high profile throughout the country, sailboat racing in the Bahamas brings with… Continue reading
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