Hellooooooooo, Better Lifers! It’s been a minute.
Rather than spew excuses or attempt to condense – gasp – SIX YEARS of Life into this post, please allow me to simply say… hello…I hope you are well…I’ve missed writing with you…
Our world is so upside down right now. I take a moment to pause and simply be. Carve out the clutter, nudge out the noise, postpone the pandemonium. Simplicity.
A pretty flower . . .
Child’s laughter ringing out . . .
Soft snores from a snoozing pooch . . .
Warm sunshine soothing the soul . . .
Priorities & Slow Season Sunsets
In the last four months, I have published a paltry four blog posts. Sigh.
Since the flurry of Regatta season, I have been dashing from one thing to the next, with a great deal of travel as well. I touched on some of this in an earlier blog post, and I am delighted to report that all health issues are seemingly resolved, and my family and I are in great health and spirits.
Where Am I Now?I am also delighted to report that I am happily home on the island and enjoying… Continue reading
Home Sweet Island Home
This summer has been a particularly hectic one. With what? The usual “island busy” with homemaking, freelance writing, organizing summer kids’ program, social events, etc. Plus, more travel than usual – some for family/health, some for fun. And all of it contributing to the 7 pounds I packed on from my inability to resist the “bad” stuff on Stateside menus! Sigh. Not to mention my extreme absence from this beloved blog.
But I’m home now. And oh so happy.Yesterday was my first full day back after two weeks gone. … Continue reading
At Long Last
Greetings, Better Lifers! At long last, I post. My sincere apologies for my extended absence.
Today, I write.
I write because I’ve missed you all.
I write to overcome the increasingly difficult hurdle of writing after an absence and not knowing where to begin.
I write to reconnect with this blog that I enjoy so much.
So, What’s Up?Rather than bore you with a laundry list of what has been taking my attention away from you all lately, I’ll share a few highlights. More than that, however, today’s blog post is about putting words into action. Choosing the Better… Continue reading
Sunsets and New Beginnings
As with most Mondays, mine kicked off yesterday with a flurry of activity . . .
getting ready for our upcoming blog anniversary (woot! woot!), catching up on email and social media stuff from my mostly-unplugged weekend, composing a long overdue response email to one of my besties, working on a few writing projects, paying bills online and checking accounts, updating Quicken, running external backup to my hard drive, laundry, cooking, house-straightening, dog haircut and tick check, computer assists to Beau for his business, airport run to pick up documents arriving from Nassau, delivery of said… Continue readingSimplicity
Welcome to your February and your weekend, Better Lifers.
Soon, the day will kick in fiercely. But, for the moment, I am quiet and contemplative.
I am enjoying . . .Peace of simple things.
Contentment through gratitude.
Happiness in appreciating beauty.
Rejuvenation in the quiet.
Nature Says It Best . . .Like last evening’s sunset, as viewed from my back deck.
Simplicity of the sun slowly dropping into the water through palm fronds.
Sheer beauty. Sheer bliss.
Simplicity in an awesome ball of fire descending into the sea.
Or this morning’s sunrise.As I gazed west over… Continue reading
As we rolled into the new year, plenty of people were blogging and Facebooking and Tweeting about reflections on 2012 and bright ideas for 2013. As you know from my new year’s video greeting, I didn’t spend much reflective time during the hectic holiday season. Since then, however, I’ve tried to give such contemplation its due.
New Year’s ResolutionsLike many of you, I suspect, it’s been years since I actually made a formal new year’s resolution. I found myself making the same ones year after year with only halfhearted follow-through. Or the resolutions I made were… Continue reading
Life Had Other Plans For Me (Better Life Theme Song)
Great day to you, Better Lifers! Today, I am excited to announce something new for the blog . . .
I previously wrote about my love of music. Before too long, you’ll also read about my love of books. Certain books (and a few blogs) were pivotal in my journey from Before to Now, from There to Here, and the evolution of my life on an island and blogging about it all.
I look forward to sharing favorite music, books and blog posts with you in the near future with a new Better Life series which… Continue reading
Happy New Year 2013!
Happy New Year, Better Lifers! I hope you enjoy my very first “Vlog” – video blog post. Click on the video player below to view.
I’d love to hear your comments about this vlog, or any reflections regarding your 2012 or what 2013 has in store for you! Welcome to another year together!
October 12 – Three Reasons to Celebrate
Today, October 12, is a special day.
Why? In addition to simply celebrating another day of Better Life, here are my top three reasons to celebrate today.
Reason # 1 – Discovery Day
On Monday, October 8, the United States (and other countries) observed “Columbus Day” as a holiday. Similarly, today, the Bahamas (and other countries) recognize Discovery Day.
Discovery Day commemorates Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the “New World.” His initial landfall is thought to be on one of the Bahamian islands, what he called Guanahani, on this day in 1492.
Present day, this… Continue reading
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