Hellooooooooo, Better Lifers! It’s been a minute.
Rather than spew excuses or attempt to condense – gasp – SIX YEARS of Life into this post, please allow me to simply say… hello…I hope you are well…I’ve missed writing with you…
Our world is so upside down right now. I take a moment to pause and simply be. Carve out the clutter, nudge out the noise, postpone the pandemonium. Simplicity.
A pretty flower . . .
Child’s laughter ringing out . . .
Soft snores from a snoozing pooch . . .
Warm sunshine soothing the soul . . .
Morning Glory
Good morning, Better Lifers!
Earlier this morning, I sat outside on my kitchen steps with a cup of coffee and gazed in appreciation at the start of another beautiful day.
Looking west over the sea, the clouds take on a pink hue reflecting the rising sun. A very light breeze rustles in the trees. The night’s moon remains full and high in the morning sky. And to crown it all . . . arching over the papaya tress, a brilliant rainbow waves good morning.
Morning sea, Rainbow over papayas, and morning moon
Have a beautiful day!
End of Summer
Greetings, Better Lifers! I hope you are well and that you’ve had wonderful Springs and Summers. Many of you have children returning to school soon (today even!), and I hope they are excited about the new beginning. I know I am.
As summer draws to a close, so does a busy period for me. I am very much looking forward to “slow season” and catching up with myself, which includes catching up with you all and this blog.
One of the “rules” of blogging is not to apologize for absences. However,… Continue reading
Missed My Own Birthday!
Dearest Better Lifers, hellooooooooooo! I know I’ve been remiss about writing for quite some time. But, it makes for pretty significant neglect when . . .
I missed my own Blog birthday!February 23, 2014 marked 3 years since I returned to the island, and two years since this Better Life blog was born. And I missed it. Yup.
Last year, I celebrated with an Anniversary Roundup, followed by a giant Thank You, a reflection on how the blog came to be, and more – all in my anniversary/birthday week. This… Continue reading
Happy (Brrrr) New Year!
I hope each and every one of you had a lovely holiday season and are kicking off your 2014 well. Or, as well as can be expected, since many of you are in the midst of, or just emerging from, a major deep freeze.
What an arctic storm!I confess that I frequently forget how cold it is in other parts of the world. I further confess that when I am reminded of it, I do not miss living in it!
As I’ve watched news coverage of this winter weather event, I’ve… Continue reading
The Liebster Award for Blogs!
Well, kinda, maybe, sorta.
Have you ever heard of the Liebster Award? I certainly had not. So, imagine my surprise to find I’ve been nominated for one!
(I wish I could tell you more about the blog/blogger who nominated me and give her the hearty PROPS she deserves. However, from her privacy standpoint – since she operates mostly in the world of the anonymous internet – connecting to me would be a little too much “worlds colliding.” So, I’ll just say that she deserves every bit of kudos the Liebster Award offered her,… Continue reading
Life Had Other Plans For Me (Better Life Theme Song)
Great day to you, Better Lifers! Today, I am excited to announce something new for the blog . . .
I previously wrote about my love of music. Before too long, you’ll also read about my love of books. Certain books (and a few blogs) were pivotal in my journey from Before to Now, from There to Here, and the evolution of my life on an island and blogging about it all.
I look forward to sharing favorite music, books and blog posts with you in the near future with a new Better Life series which… Continue reading
My Love of Music
Music. One of my passions. From as early in life as I can remember, my home and heart have been filled with music.
The music of my childhood.
Both of my parents played instruments as youngsters, have good singing voices and love music. Throughout my childhood in the 70’s, joyous sounds of singing and old records regularly flooded our home. My dad even enjoyed moonlighting as lead singer in a band when he was in graduate school and I was in pre-school. (Those were the days when a little girl could ride on the gas tank… Continue reading
Things I Could Do All Day Long
This blog post was prompted by two things I was doing the other day when I happened to think about each of them, “I could do this all day long and never tire of it.” So I set pen to paper (err, fingers to keyboard) and started to write about it. What were those two things that were so special as to inspire a blog post? Well, let me set the scene for you . . .
It was an early evening on the island. The sun was performing a beautiful slow dance toward the horizon, and the sea sparkled… Continue reading
Delicious Fish Dinner
Good morning! I was thinking of you all as I cooked dinner last evening, so I decided to snap some pics and share my delicious fish dinner with you. Now, I’m no chef, and this is not a food blog. BUT this fish makes me happy, so here you go. 🙂
The real dinner process starts in the sea, when my beau and his buddies spear-fish hogfish or grouper, or when we catch mahi mahi with a rod-n-reel. After they clean everything, I help package the fish fillets in gallon-sized Ziplock bags and seal them tight. The best seal… Continue reading
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