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For All The Facebookers Out There
UPDATED: For technical reasons, I had to change my Facebook Page. Please “Like” Choosing The Better Life at its NEW Island Blog Facebook page:
So sorry for any inconvenience and THANKS!
Little Angel Toe
Today, Angel’s toes are finally starting to look less monstrous. The hair has even started to grow back a bit. She still has to wear a cone to keep her from picking at it. As you can see, Angel looks quite pathetic – though, frankly, I think she’s simply adept at working that angle. She’s actually very perky and running about in between the usual naps. Have a fantastic weekend!
Bringing Home the Bacon (Spear-Fishing)
One of my favorite things to do – and it’s great for my food supply as well – is to go out diving with the guys. (For the record, my use of “the guys” is not a gender-biased oversight! Here, it refers to a group of male buddies. Also, while there are notable exceptions, women aren’t typically the divers in this community.)
Around here, “diving” usually means free-diving and spear-fishing, rather than scuba-diving (although visitors do that, too). I am not a diver since I haven’t mastered actually staying submerged under the water, clearing my ears well or shooting a… Continue reading
Little Island Bursting With Life
In order to make sense of some of the things I’m bound to say as we blog along together, perhaps I should first describe this little island in more detail.
I live on a small island in the midst of a chain of 356 small islands in the Bahamas. This island is teensy-tiny for as much as it has going on. It is less than five square miles, with fewer than 100 native residents. Added to that are a handful of full-time others – like me – and a host of multi-month residents, vacation home-owners, tourists and boaters. Because of… Continue reading
Island Dog
Good morning and welcome to the start of a new week! As for me today, sigh. Angel is beset with some mysterious malady on her back toes. Although seemingly not in pain, she is clearly in discomfort – practically licking her foot off and pulling out the hair with her teeth. My home remedy attempts aren’t helping, so it’s time to consult the professionals. But, of course, no veterinarians practice on the island, and I don’t want to travel to Nassau just to see a vet there. For urgent cases, people can make a… Continue reading
TGIF and Thank you!
Good morning and welcome to your Friday! Although I no longer groan “TGIF” with a heavy sigh of relief, Fridays still mean the end of the work week to me, so I still enjoy the particular lightness of weekends. Weekends are when I might actually sit down with a book in the middle of the day. Weekends are certainly prime time for fishing/snorkeling/diving excursions, visits to other islands to see friends and more social time with the islanders who have been working all week.
I usually keep distance from my computer on the weekends, too. I’m… Continue reading
Welcome to You, Happy Anniversary to Me!
Welcome! Today is the launch of my new blog, Choosing The Better Life. I am so pleased that you are here with me. Together, let’s explore day-to-day island living through my eyes as a “recovering lawyer,” along with the musings that these life changes have brought about for me – all peppered with the striking characters, funny oddities and other random tidbits that cross my path or come to mind. Thank you for joining me on this amazing journey. May you also choose the better life for yourself, however you define it!
Today’s blog launch is also a… Continue reading
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