Island Kids
I love our island children.
I don’t have children of my own (and my beau’s children are grown). So I get my “kid fix” from spending time with the local island kids. Due to the small size of the community and the relaxed, interactive, island lifestyle, it is my pleasure to see these children almost every day – far more often than I was able to see cousins or friend’s children in the hectic, far-flung States.
Beau and I brought all the kids over for an impromptu cookout and swim one weekend afternoon last fall.
One of the benefits of… Continue reading
Bringing Home the Bacon (Spear-Fishing)
One of my favorite things to do – and it’s great for my food supply as well – is to go out diving with the guys. (For the record, my use of “the guys” is not a gender-biased oversight! Here, it refers to a group of male buddies. Also, while there are notable exceptions, women aren’t typically the divers in this community.)
Around here, “diving” usually means free-diving and spear-fishing, rather than scuba-diving (although visitors do that, too). I am not a diver since I haven’t mastered actually staying submerged under the water, clearing my ears well or shooting a… Continue reading
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