
How Did You End Up On An Island? Part 2

If you’ve been reading along with me, you’ll know that the answer to Part 1 of this question involved opening myself up to broader possibilities and taking the leap of quitting my job as a lawyer. As I wrote in that post, my job for the next year was going to be to design an exciting new life, one that was more in alignment with my true self and how I really felt inside, now that I would have the luxury of time to sift through the clutter of our hectic lives and figure mine out!

Okay, So You… Continue reading

How Did You End Up On An Island? PART 1

“How did you end up living on an island?” This question is posed to me on a near-weekly basis. The end result was a few decades in the making, so it defies any succinct answer, but I’ll give it a shot.

Where Were You Before You Moved To The Island?

After graduating law school and obtaining a Master’s Degree in Education in the Midwest, I moved to South Florida (where my parents and brother had relocated) and worked for four years as an educational/legal consultant to school districts across the southeastern United States.

Then, for a variety of reasons, I… Continue reading

Island Back-Story: How I Discovered This Tiny Paradise

(Editor’s Note: Originally posted on March 16, 2012, this post was updated on September 25, 2012 to add in pictures! Once I retrieved old photo albums from storage, and consulted my dad’s pilot’s logs for details of our early trips, I corrected a few errors in memory and added the old pics! Enjoy.)

Since the island is so small, and so far from where I lived in the States most of my life, how in the world did I ever find it? Well . . .

15-Year-Old Midwestern Girl

Let’s go back in time to the mid-80’s . . .… Continue reading
